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張哲綱, 曾就讀台北藝術大學碩士班主修作曲,畢業於美國西雅圖電影學院主修電影配樂 (Pacific Northwest Film Scoring Program),參與過電視、電影、遊戲、音樂會與音樂劇作曲編曲,作品曾在國家音樂廳與衛武營國家音樂文化中心演出。創作風格多元,並喜歡參與不同領域的團隊合作。




全球音樂獎- 銀牌奬- 傑出表現

全球音樂獎- 銅牌奬 -決賽入圍者

Che-Kang Chang a.k.a C.K Chang, graduated from the Pacific Northwest Film Scoring Program at the Seattle Film Institute in the United States, specializing in film scoring. With experience in composing and arranging for television, film, games, concerts, and musicals, his works have been featured in performances at the National Concert Hall and the National Taichung Theater. Possessing a diverse creative style, C.K Chang enjoys actively participating in collaborative projects across various fields.


Nominated for the 56th Golden Bell Awards in the Music and Sound Design category.

Global Music Awards - Silver Medal - Outstanding Achievement

Global Music Awards - Bronze Medal - Finalist

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